Editura Cetatea de Scaun - de 22 de ani facem istorie

Monica Mărgărit (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6620-9224) is Professor, researcher in the field of prehistoric archeology and specialist in experimental archaeology, personal adornments and osseous industries. She is PhD supervisor at the Valahia ”University” of Târgoviște as well as an expert archaeologist registered in the National Register of Archaeologists in Romania. Member of the European Research Group Prehistoric Exploitation of Bone Materials in Europe (GDRE) (since 2011), member of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) (since 2011) and the Association of Archaeological Wear and Residue Analysts (AWRANA) (since 2012). She was the main coordinator of four national projects offered by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research (CNCS-UEFISCDI), and a national grant offered by the Romanian Academy; member of nine other research projects. She has participated at over 50 international conferences and 40 national conferences. She organized three international scientific meetings in the field of studying, conserving and restoration of cultural heritage. She is the author or co-author of six books, editor of three volumes and author/co-author of over 100 scientific papers. In recent years, Monica Mărgărit has contributed to the development of a new research direction in Romanian archeology: the study of cultural heritage through experimental archaeology and microscopy to reconstruct as accurately as possible the ways of processing and using various prehistoric artifacts.

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