Cetatea de Scaun Publishing House was founded in 2002 at Târgovişte, with the main stated purpose of promoting Romanian authors, debutant or well-known specialists in their fields of activity. Areas of interest were History and Archeology, but over time, works were published in the fields of Biology (pomiculture, vegetables, horticulture), Geography or Sociology. Also, as a result of the collaboration with foreign Publishing Houses (Cambridge University Press, Penguin Books, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Blue Doom Press, Association of Non-Governmental Organisations of Southeast Europe CIVIS) or directly with the authors translations of some scientific history books were also published.
The exhaustive promotion of the published scientific works and, implicitly, of the Publishing House, is done through its own website (www.cetateadescaun.ro). Our site is both a business card – information is displayed about the Publishing House’s activity (events – book fairs, launches, promotional offers, etc.), editorial prints, with a short presentation and contents – and an online store direct orders can be made.
In Romania, another way of promotion was to purchase advertisements in several national journals, such as „Historia”. Most of the books are sent to the journals: „Studii si Materiale de Istorie Contemporana”, „Studia Europaea”, „Journal of Baltic Studies”, „Revista Romana de Studii Baltice si Nordice”, „Magazin Istoric”, „Valahian Journal of Historical Studies”, accompanied by a presentation or review of them, made by one of the leading specialists in the field, with the request to be published, followed by the publication of these materials. There are many cases when these reviews have appeared, which is a good promotion for the publisher. Externally, we aim to publish such reviews, by sending the papers directly to researches in the field. Attendance at Book fairs (Gaudeamus, Bookfest, Amplus) throughout the country (Bucharest, Brașov, Iași, Cluj, Târgu-Mureș, Galați, Brăila, Sinaia, Târgoviște, Vama Veche), is another way to promote the name of our Publishing house. In general, we try to have these participations accompanied by a book launch. Invitations are constantly addressed to television, radio, mass media, in order to participate at book launches. Equally, the books of the Publishing House can be found in the bookstores from all over the country, being concluded collaboration contracts with the main distributors of the book (see List of distributors in Romania). Outside Romania, archeology books are distributed through Librairie Archeologique (France), and history books through online stores (www.elefant.ro, www.emag.ro). Readers’ interest in ebooks is developing, in this sense Cetatea de Scaun Publishing House having collaborations with: Bit Software Paydemic, Google Play Books and Elefant E-book.
We have collaborations with a series of non-profit associations, such as the Romanian Association for Nordic and Baltic Studies, being a partner with it in the organisation of thematic exhibitions, dedicated to some countries in the area covered by the association (Finland, Lithuania) and we started an extensive editorial project (the Ksiazki Institute, Poland was also involved), which includes an encyclopedic series, dedicated to the history of some countries (History of Finland, History of Lithuania, History of Northern and Baltic Europe, History of Poland, etc.).
Collaborations were also marked with the Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, the book Between Hitler and Stalin. Ukrainian insurgents being published; with the National Council for the Study of Security Archives, resulting in the book Security (1948-1989). Monograph. Vol. I, with the Center for Memorial and Identity Studies – by editorial project: Unknown Heroines. The daily life of women during the communist period in Poland, Romania and the GDR. Case studies or with the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, which made possible the appearance of the series The image of ethnic Germans among Romanians in Transylvania after 1918. On the occasion of the Centenary of the Great Union, the editorial project Romanian Army in the War of Integration was initiated, the volume dedicated to the campaigns of 1916 and 1917, which enjoyed the support of the National Archives of Romania, the National Library of Romania, the National Military Museum „King Ferdinand I” and the Historical Service of the Army being published. A collaboration was also signed with the DEUTSCHES ARCHÄEOLOGISCHES INSTITUT (Berlin, Germany), for the editing of the book: Schäßburg – Weinberg / Sighişoara – Dealul Viilor. II. Archäologische Grabungen bei der Fundstelle „Gräberfeld”/ „Necropolă”.
Externally, the Publishing house regularly sends information from editorial productions to Balkan Academic News and Aleksanteri List. Balkan Academic News (http://www.balkanalysis.com/?s=Cetatea+de+Scaun) is a forum that covers a number of 1,300 research institutions and structures around the world, especially in Central and Southern Europe, while the Aleksanteri List represents its correspondence in Northern Europe, which is administered by the Aleksanteri Institute for Russian and Eastern European Studies at the University of Helsinki. Also, the promotion is done by indexing the editorial appearances of the publishing house in http://www.worldcat.org/, with over 350 entries; as well as the presence of the publishing house’s titles in over 200 international (see also https://kvk.bibliothek.kit.edu/) and national libraries.
The dissemination of the results of the editorial production thus presupposes a vision that has in view the transmission of our message to the specialists – the target audience, but also to the general public in Romania and abroad.
The exhaustive promotion of the published scientific works and, implicitly, of the Publishing House, is done through its own website (www.cetateadescaun.ro). Our site is both a business card – information is displayed about the Publishing House’s activity (events – book fairs, launches, promotional offers, etc.), editorial prints, with a short presentation and contents – and an online store direct orders can be made.
In Romania, another way of promotion was to purchase advertisements in several national journals, such as „Historia”. Most of the books are sent to the journals: „Studii si Materiale de Istorie Contemporana”, „Studia Europaea”, „Journal of Baltic Studies”, „Revista Romana de Studii Baltice si Nordice”, „Magazin Istoric”, „Valahian Journal of Historical Studies”, accompanied by a presentation or review of them, made by one of the leading specialists in the field, with the request to be published, followed by the publication of these materials. There are many cases when these reviews have appeared, which is a good promotion for the publisher. Externally, we aim to publish such reviews, by sending the papers directly to researches in the field. Attendance at Book fairs (Gaudeamus, Bookfest, Amplus) throughout the country (Bucharest, Brașov, Iași, Cluj, Târgu-Mureș, Galați, Brăila, Sinaia, Târgoviște, Vama Veche), is another way to promote the name of our Publishing house. In general, we try to have these participations accompanied by a book launch. Invitations are constantly addressed to television, radio, mass media, in order to participate at book launches. Equally, the books of the Publishing House can be found in the bookstores from all over the country, being concluded collaboration contracts with the main distributors of the book (see List of distributors in Romania). Outside Romania, archeology books are distributed through Librairie Archeologique (France), and history books through online stores (www.elefant.ro, www.emag.ro). Readers’ interest in ebooks is developing, in this sense Cetatea de Scaun Publishing House having collaborations with: Bit Software Paydemic, Google Play Books and Elefant E-book.
We have collaborations with a series of non-profit associations, such as the Romanian Association for Nordic and Baltic Studies, being a partner with it in the organisation of thematic exhibitions, dedicated to some countries in the area covered by the association (Finland, Lithuania) and we started an extensive editorial project (the Ksiazki Institute, Poland was also involved), which includes an encyclopedic series, dedicated to the history of some countries (History of Finland, History of Lithuania, History of Northern and Baltic Europe, History of Poland, etc.).
Collaborations were also marked with the Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, the book Between Hitler and Stalin. Ukrainian insurgents being published; with the National Council for the Study of Security Archives, resulting in the book Security (1948-1989). Monograph. Vol. I, with the Center for Memorial and Identity Studies – by editorial project: Unknown Heroines. The daily life of women during the communist period in Poland, Romania and the GDR. Case studies or with the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, which made possible the appearance of the series The image of ethnic Germans among Romanians in Transylvania after 1918. On the occasion of the Centenary of the Great Union, the editorial project Romanian Army in the War of Integration was initiated, the volume dedicated to the campaigns of 1916 and 1917, which enjoyed the support of the National Archives of Romania, the National Library of Romania, the National Military Museum „King Ferdinand I” and the Historical Service of the Army being published. A collaboration was also signed with the DEUTSCHES ARCHÄEOLOGISCHES INSTITUT (Berlin, Germany), for the editing of the book: Schäßburg – Weinberg / Sighişoara – Dealul Viilor. II. Archäologische Grabungen bei der Fundstelle „Gräberfeld”/ „Necropolă”.
Externally, the Publishing house regularly sends information from editorial productions to Balkan Academic News and Aleksanteri List. Balkan Academic News (http://www.balkanalysis.com/?s=Cetatea+de+Scaun) is a forum that covers a number of 1,300 research institutions and structures around the world, especially in Central and Southern Europe, while the Aleksanteri List represents its correspondence in Northern Europe, which is administered by the Aleksanteri Institute for Russian and Eastern European Studies at the University of Helsinki. Also, the promotion is done by indexing the editorial appearances of the publishing house in http://www.worldcat.org/, with over 350 entries; as well as the presence of the publishing house’s titles in over 200 international (see also https://kvk.bibliothek.kit.edu/) and national libraries.
The dissemination of the results of the editorial production thus presupposes a vision that has in view the transmission of our message to the specialists – the target audience, but also to the general public in Romania and abroad.